self Maths Puzzle

Bluebeard explains that his bunch of keys was strung upon an endless key ring and divided into three groups so that the first group multiplied by the second equaled the third!

That was the secret by which he knew whether the keys had been tampered with and forbidden chambers had been entered.

You see that 6910 multiplied by 7 does not amount to 83452, so the keys were not replaced properly in their groups.

Can our clever puzzlists show how the keys must have been arranged in three groups so that the first group multiplied by the second makes the third?

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self Other Question

The clown after juggling with the five triangular pieces of cardboard to attract attention proceeds to cut one of them into two pieces.

He then lays the six pieces upon the top of the box and shows that they will fit together and form a perfect square.

The pieces represent five right-angled triangles, say one inch high by two inches on the base, so you can readily cut five similar pieces from paper and then guess how to cut one of them so that the six pieces will form a perfect square.
A gypsy queen who ekes out a precarious existence by gathering quarters from gullible victims who want the future revealed, laments the decline of the fortune-telling industry as follows:

"The week before last I earned less than three dollars, last week only a third as much and this week somewhat less than half as much as the week before".

How much did she earn in three weeks?