TCS Company Numerical Ability Permutation and Combination

the letters in the word ROADIE are permuted in all possible ways and arranged in alphabetical order. find the word in 44 rank.

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TCS Other Question

How many words can be formed by using all the letters of the word “DAUGHTER” so that vowels always come together?
a. 1320
b. 1540
c. 4320
d. 4540
There are 6 people from different countries namely Germany, Italy, Britain, Spain, Poland and France. They are sitting around a table. Polish sits next to British. German sits next to Italian, or British or both. Italian does not sit next to the Frenchman. Spanish sits immediately after British. Who sits on the either side of the German?
(a) British and Italian
(b) Polish and British
(c) British and French
(d) Italian and French