Mohit covered a distance of 360 km between two cities, taking a total of 13 hours 30 minutes. If part of the distance was covered at 50 km per hour speed and the rest at 60 km per hour speed. How many hours did he travel at 60 km per hour?
Let Mohit travel 'x' hours at 50 km per hour.
As the total time taken to cover 720 km is 13.5 hours, he would have traveled (13.5-x) hours at 60 km per hour.
Distance covered at 50 km per hour = 50x km.
Distance covered at 60 km per hour = 60*(13.5-x) = 810 - 60x km.
Total distance covered = Distance covered at 50 km per hour + Distance covered at 60 km per hour.
720 = 50x + 810 - 60x
10x = 90
x = 9
Hence, the time for which he travel at 60 km/hr = 13.5 - 9 = 4.5 hours = 4 hours 30 minutes.