Certain numbers of persons are able to finish a work in 25 days. If the number of persons are increased by 10, then they can finish the same work in 10 days less. How many persons were employed initially to do the work?

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GMAT Other Question

The amount of Rs 1180 is divided among X, Y and Z in such a way that 5 times of the amount that X receives, 6 times of the amount that Y receives and 8 times of the amount that Z receives are equal. Find the amount received by X, Y and Z. Two trains X and Y are moving in opposite direction, one from station A to station B and the other from station B to station A. The train X reaches its destination i.e. station A in 14 hours and the train Y reaches its destination i.e. station B in 20 hours after the trains meet. If the speed of train X is 20 km per hour, then what is the speed of the train Y ?