TCS Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

Cadbury manufactures a chocolate box which contains “x” number of chocolates. There are three
houses A, B and C in the neighbourhood of Cadbury. Since it is a new variety of chocolate, themarketing manager of Cadbury decided to distribute free chocolates to the children in theneighbouring houses A, B and C. In House A there are 3 children, in B there are 5 children, and in Cthere are 7 children. After distributing the chocolates, he was left with one chocolate in each case. Howmany chocolates did he have in the beginning for distribution?(a) 204 (b) 211 (c) 214 (d) 217

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TCS Other Question

Seven years ago, the combined ages of Amir and Akshay was twice that of Saif. If the sum of the ages of Akshay and Amir, fifteen years hence, is 98 years, what is the present age of Saif?(a) 27 yrs (b) 35 yrs (c) 34 yrs (d) 49 yr Arvind, a mason, decided to build a small house. For constructing the house he had to mix gravel, sandand cement in the ratio 7:5:3. The cement costs Rs.250 a bag which contains 10 kg of cement. He hasspent Rs.4500 to buy cement. How much will he have to spend for sand which costs Rs.70 for a 20 kgbag?(a) Rs.1050 (b) Rs.2050 (c) Rs.1075 (d) Rs.2000