Government Jobs Exams
Numerical Ability
Average age of A,B and C is 84 years. When D joins them the average age becomes 80 years. A new person,E,whose age is 4 years more than D,replaces A and the average of B,C,D and E becomes 78 years.What is the age of A?
a)80 years b)50 years c)60 years d)70 years
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- ANS A=80
A+B+C= 84*3 = 252
B+C = 252 - A
A+B+C+D = 80*4 = 320
A+252-A+D = 320
B+C+D+E = 78*4 = 312
252 - A + 68 + 68 + 4 = 312
A= 80 - 10 years agoHelpfull: Yes(6) No(0)
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