TCS Company Numerical Ability Time and Work

Raju can do a piece of work in 1o days,Vicky in 12days,Tinku in 15 days.They all started work together,but raju leaves after 2 days,vicky leaves 3 days before the work is completed. In how many days work is completed?
a)7 b)5 c)9 d)6

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TCS Other Question

George works 5 times faster than his son and hence comptles a job 40 days earlier than his son.find the time they would take to finish the job together
a)12.5 b)8.3 c)7.5 d)6
An organisation has 3 committes,only 2 persons are members of all 3 committes,but every pair of committe has 3 members in common.what is the least possible no of members on any 1 commitee
a)5 b)6 c)4 d)7