TCS Company

Each of A,B,C need a certain unique time to do a certain work.C needs 1hr less than A to complete the work.Working together they require 30min to complete 50percent of the job.The work also gets completed if A & B start working together and A leaves after 1hr and B works for further 3 hrs.How much work does C do per hour?

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TCS Other Question

An organisation has 3 committes,only 2 persons are members of all 3 committes,but every pair of committe has 3 members in common.what is the least possible no of members on any 1 commitee
a)5 b)6 c)4 d)7
. In a telecom assembly factory,there are 250men and 150 women.The average productivity of all works is 12 units per day.The average productivity of men is 15 units per day..what is the average productivity of women per day?
a)6 b)9 c)7 d)8