self Maths Puzzle Numerical Ability Clocks and Calendars

A clock takes 7 seconds to ring bell at 7 o'clock. How long will it take for the same clock to ring bell at 10 o'clock?

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self Other Question

1000 men are standing in a circle, numbered 1, 2, ..., 1000. 1 takes a sword, kills 2 and hands over sword to 3, who takes it, kills 4 and gives it to 5. This reapeats in the circle. That is, whoever gets the sword kills the one near him and hands over the sword to the next. If this continues, what is the number of the man that survives? A man goes to work daily. Everyday his wife picks him from railway station at 6 o'clock. One day, he left office early and reached the station at 5 o'clock. So, he started walking home. On the way, he met his wife, and they returned together in the car. They reached home ten minutes earlier than usual time. How much time did the man walk?