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two rectangles with vertices A(0,0),(0,4),(-2,0),(-2,4) and B(1,0),(5,0),(1,12),(5,12) are bisected with a line, what is the slope of the line?

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TCS Other Question

a square field with 10km side is ther. a girl walks along the 1st side at 10kmph, 2nd side at 20kmph, 3rd side at 30kmph, 4th side at 40kmph, what is her average speed? x completes (1/3)rd of the work in 4 days, y completes (1/6)th of the work in 3days, z completes (1/2) of the work in 5 days. If x,y,z work for 3 days and then x,z left, how many days will y take to complete the remaining work?