GRE Exam Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

armstrong ridin a bicycle at 15km/hr can reach a village in 4 hrs.if armstrong is delayed by 1 hour at the start,then in order to reach his destination in time,he should ride with a speed of?

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GRE Other Question

Drum X is half full of oil and drum Y, which has twice the capacity of drum X, is 2/3 full of oil. If all of the oil in drum X is poured into drum Y. then drum Y will be filled to what fraction of its capacity ? two persons,rameo julie start at the same time from oklahoma and kansas travel towards each other at 45km/hr and 54km/hr respectively. when they meet , it is found that one of them has travelled 72km more than the other.the distance between the places(in kms)is?