HCL Company Category

A certain party consists of four different group of people 30 students, 35 politicians, 20 actors and 27 leaders. On a particular function day, the total cost spent on party members was Rs.9000. It was found that 6 students spent as much as 7 politicians, 15 politicians spent as much as 12 actors and 10 actors spent as much as 9 leaders. How much did students spent?

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HCL Other Question

Q. 2 friends A n B running up hill and then to get down length of road 440 yads A on his return journey met B going up at 20 yards from top if A has finished race 5 minute earlier than B then how much time A had taken to complete the race ? If m and n are whole numbers such that mn = 121, the value of (m 1)
n + 1 is:
A. 1 B. 10
C. 121 D. 1000