MBA Exam

How many times would zero be used while writing all the natural numbers from 1 to 63 in the Binary System?
(a) 32 (b) 80 (c) 111 (d) 129

1) a
2) b
3) c
4) d

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MBA Other Question

if log (x^2)base(5x+6)< log (5x+6)base(5x+6),then??? (good one)

1) x<-6/5 or x>6
2) -1<x<0 or 0<x<6
3) -6/5<x<-1 or -1<x<0 or 0<x<6
4) none of these
What is the ratio of area of an equilateral triangle and total surface area of a cuboid where the equilateral triangle is made by taking side equal to the longest rod that can be placed in the cuboid 12 m long, 9 m broad and 8 m high?

1) 289√3 : 2208
2) 17√3 : 36
3) 17 : 29
4) 29√3 : 2208
5) None of these