MBA Exam

There are 15 students sitting on adjacent chairs in a circular way in the class .Teacher enters the class with 6 copies of materials of the subject. The teacher wishes to distribute the copies in such a way that each student gets at most 1 copy and anyone who hasn't should be able to read from his immediate (left or right) neighbor’s copy. In how many ways can this distribution can be done ?

1) 150
2) 75
3) 90
4) 125

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MBA Other Question


1) 5
2) 8
3) 7
4) 6
5) Cannot be determined
The ratio of the factorial of a number x to the square of the factorial of a certain number, when increased by 100% becomes equal to x, and gives the value 20. Find the value of x

1) 6
2) 4
3) 3
4) 2
5) 12