MBA Exam

The ratio of the factorial of a number x to the square of the factorial of a certain number, when increased by 100% becomes equal to x, and gives the value 20. Find the value of x

1) 6
2) 4
3) 3
4) 2
5) 12

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MBA Other Question

There are 15 students sitting on adjacent chairs in a circular way in the class .Teacher enters the class with 6 copies of materials of the subject. The teacher wishes to distribute the copies in such a way that each student gets at most 1 copy and anyone who hasn't should be able to read from his immediate (left or right) neighbor’s copy. In how many ways can this distribution can be done ?

1) 150
2) 75
3) 90
4) 125
The Asian-Pacific plate known as “Ring of fire” because of regularity of earthquake and volcanic explosion. The geologists and scientists worked together and discovered two important equation which will determine the relation between strength of earthquake and volcanic explosion for next 50 years. They are x5 + x4 + x3 + x2 – 20x – 26 = 0 and x5 + x4 + x3 + 4x2 – 17x – 26 = 0 where x is relation coefficient of quake and volcanic explosion. Common roots are situation of worst case scenario. How many such worst case scenario exits?

1) 0
2) 2
3) 3
4) 1