MBA Exam

10^10+10^100+.....................10^10000000000 divided by 7 what is the remainder ?

1) 0
2) 1
3) 2
4) 5
5) 4

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MBA Other Question

A man has a certain number of one rupee and 10 paise coins. He observes that if the rupees were turned into 10 paise coins and vice-versa, he would have Rs.1.80 less. Again if the rupees were converted into 50 paise coins and the 10 paise coins into 20 paise coins, he would have Rs.5 less. How much amount does he have?

1) Rs.12
2) Rs.12.80
3) Rs.13
4) Rs.10
class consists of 15 students and a teacher. The teacher writes a natural number on the board and asks students to tell something about the number. The first student says, “This number is a multiple of 1”. The second student says, “This number is a multiple of 2” and so on till the 15th student. The teacher notices that all but two of them were correct in their statements and both of them spoke one after the other consecutively. Which two students were not correct?

1) 8 & 9
2) 13 & 14
3) 9 & 10
4) 11 & 12