Elitmus Exam undefined

1,2,1,2,2,1,2,2,2,1,2,2,2,2 ,......up to 1239
Find the sum of this numbers.....

Read Solution (Total 6)

Elitmus Other Question

If the square root of the product of three distinct positive integers is equal to the largest of the three numbers, what is the product of the two smaller numbers?

(1) The largest number of the three distinct numbers is 36
(2) The average (arithmetic mean) of the three numbers is 17
There are a pack of cards numbered from 1 to 23 and two persons Ramesh and Suresh draws a card and put it back into the pack.if ramesh draws card first then suresh draws the card...
Then what will be probability that card drawn by
ramesh is greater in number than suresh.

don't remember....