Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Sequence and Series

In the elitmus forum it's been found that out of all student 50% of student write in the forum out which 36% student write about 3 companies I.E. midntree, tintel , kosch and it's been found that the number of student that wrote about midntree is double of the number of student that write about tintel , which in turn is double of the number of students that write about kosch. And it's been known that number of student that wrote about kosch is 7560 than is the number of student present in the blog :
1- 126000
2- 156000
3- 168000
4- Can't be determined

Read Solution (Total 4)

Elitmus Other Question

Skyscraper are deviated by the air which is called sway if mallaya tower in Bangalore is 10 floor high and have a sway of 2 inch and according to government sway can not be more than 12 inch and sway is directly proportional to the square of the floor of the building what is the maximum number of floor a building can have :
1- 128
2- 64
3- 24
4- 20