Accenture Company Numerical Ability Alligation or Mixture

In a mixture of petrol and kerosene, petrol is only 99 litres. If this same quantity of petrol would be presented in another mixture of petrol and kerosene where total volume would be 198 litres less than the actual mixture then the concentration of petrol In the present mixture would have been 13.33% point less than that. What is the concentration of petrol in actual mixture?
1. 20%
2. 16.66%
3. 26.66%
4. 8.33%

Read Solution (Total 3)

Accenture Other Question

Three jackals Paar, Marr and Taar together have 675 loaves of bread. Paar has got three times as much as Maar but 25 loaves more than Taar. How many does Taar have?
(1) 175
(2) 275
(3) 375
(4) None of these
There are three runners Tom, Dick and Harry with their respective speeds of 10kmph, 20kmph and 30kmph they are initially at P and they have to run between the two points P and Q which are 10 km apart from each other. They start their race at 6 am and end at 6 pm on the same day. If they run between P and Q without any break, then how many times they will be together either at P or Q during the given time period?
1. 5
2. 7
3. 4
4. 12