MBA Exam

A company purchases components A and B from Germany and USA, respectively. A and B constitute 30% and 50% of the total production cost. Current gain is 20%. Due to change in the international scenario, cost of the German Mark increased by 30% and that of US dollar increased by 22%. Prevailing market conditions does not allow the selling price to increase beyond 10%.Based on the following information answer the following questions.Question: How many litres of milk should be added to a mixture containing (m + n) litres of milk and water in the ratio m : n (m < n) so the ratio of milk: water in the resultant mixture is n : m?

1) (m2 - n2) / m litres
2) (n2 - m2) / m litres
3) (m2+n2) / m litres
4) None of these

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MBA Other Question

Chewing Gum boy is the naughtiest and most intelligent student in his class. When asked questions, he always gives the wrong answer to the first question and the right answer to the second question. His teacher caught him eating chewing gum in Math class and asked him the following questions:Teacher: “How many single digit whole numbers are there?”Chewing Gum boy: “Sir, 0, 1, 2 and 4.”Teacher: “How many four digit numbers can you form by using these digits if you cannot use each digit more than once and what will be the sum of all those numbers?”What did Chewing Gum boy reply?

1) 19, 38664
2) 14, 4230845
3) 18, 45108
4) 64, 36864
What is the Summation of n^n, where n ranges from 2 to 50?