MBA Exam

What is the Summation of n^n, where n ranges from 2 to 50?

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MBA Other Question

A company purchases components A and B from Germany and USA, respectively. A and B constitute 30% and 50% of the total production cost. Current gain is 20%. Due to change in the international scenario, cost of the German Mark increased by 30% and that of US dollar increased by 22%. Prevailing market conditions does not allow the selling price to increase beyond 10%.Based on the following information answer the following questions.Question: How many litres of milk should be added to a mixture containing (m + n) litres of milk and water in the ratio m : n (m < n) so the ratio of milk: water in the resultant mixture is n : m?

1) (m2 - n2) / m litres
2) (n2 - m2) / m litres
3) (m2+n2) / m litres
4) None of these