TCS Company Logical Reasoning Logical Sequences

In a race between A,B,C and D. A said ‘I am not 1st or 4th , B said ‘ I am not 4th’ , C said ‘ I am not 1st’, D said ‘ I am 4th’ . If only three of them said truth then who is 4th in that race?

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TCS Other Question

Children go to school at 8:00 A.M. Child 1 runs for 1 minute and sits for next 1 minute continuosly. Child 2 runs for 2 minutes and sits for next 1 minute and this goes on as child n runs for n minutes and sits for 1 minute. All the children sit at once. At what time the school will ring home bell? A.9:30AM B.11:30AM C.2:00PM D.3:00PM When 3 dies are rolled together, what is the probability of getting a sum of 10?