Capgemini Company Numerical Ability Area and Volume

A photograph is to be fitted in a photo frame of sides 18 cm by 15 cm such that there is a margin of 1.5 cm left. What should be the area of the photograph?

a. 140 cm2 b. 180 cm2 c. None of these d. 270 cm2

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Capgemini Other Question

if (p+q)=3 then what is the value of (p3 + q3 ), when it is given that p=1/q?
a. 123 b. 143 c. 111 d. 132
if m+ (m-3)-1 = 6 then determine the value of (m-3)2 + (m-3)-2
a. 3 b -1 c. 1 d. 0