In a right angled tirangle, find he hypotenuse if the base and perpendicular are respectively 36015cm and 48020cm.This question is from Arun Sharma. We all know the obviuos pythagoras method. But it will be very tedious. Is there any other method? 1) 69125cm 2) 60025cm 3) 391025cm 4) 60125cm 5) None of these
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- 2) 60025
Divide the numbers in two parts 36015 = 360 15 & 48020 = 480 20
now 360^2 + 480^2= 360000 whose square root = 600
& 15^2 + 20^2 = 625 whose square root 25
so now combine the ans to 60025cm - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(1)
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