Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Log and Antilog

f(x) = logax + logbx + logcx if logax>=1

and logax>logbx>logcx

whats the minimum value of f(x) ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d.none of above

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Elitmus Other Question

x is the 9 digit largest number(digits are 1 to 9 with out repeat) which is divisible by 11 and y second largest number which also divisible by 11 then difference between x and y minute hand is exactly on second mark and exactly 9 second mark away from the hour hand. what is the time... ?(Assume 1 minute = 60 second mark)

option... A ) 4:36 B) 5:36 C) 6:24 D) 7:48