Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Clocks and Calendars

minute hand is exactly on second mark and exactly 9 second mark away from the hour hand. what is the time... ?(Assume 1 minute = 60 second mark)

option... A ) 4:36 B) 5:36 C) 6:24 D) 7:48

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Elitmus Other Question

f(x) = logax + logbx + logcx if logax>=1

and logax>logbx>logcx

whats the minimum value of f(x) ?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d.none of above

In a class exactly 10% students get 70 marks, exactly 25% get 80 marks, exactly 15% get 85 marks, exactly 25% get 90 marks and remaining get 95 marks.what is the minimum number of students in the class if the avg. of sum of marks is an even no.

option A)20 B)80 C)100 D)200