Bank Exam Government Jobs Exams Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

A good train and a passenger train are running on the parallel tracks in the same direction.the driver of the goods train observe that the passanger train coming from behind, overtakes and crosses his train completely in 1 min whereas a passanger on the passanger train marks that he crosses the goods train in 2/3 minutes. the ratio of their length is?

none of these

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Bank Exam Other Question

The avg age of 24 men is decreased by 2 when one of the age is 60 is replaced by new one find the new one age....? Ravana spends 30% of his salary on house rent, 30% of the rest he spends on his children’s
education and 24% of the total salary he spends on clothes. After his expenditure, he is left
with ` 2500. What is Ravana’s salary