CTS Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

The sum of nine consecutive odd number of set A is 657. What is the sum of seven consecutive odd numbers whose lowest number is 18 more than the lowest number of set A?

1) 620
2) 625
3) 635
4) 615
5) 623

Read Solution (Total 3)

CTS Other Question

Find the number of ways in which 10 players out of 14 players can be selected such that 3 particular player are always included and 2 particular players are always excluded?
1) 38
2) 36
3) 48
4) 40
5) 32
Statement: A heavy unseasoned down pour during the last three days has paralysed the normal life in the state in which five person were killed but this has provided a huge relief to the problem of acute water crisis in the state.

Which of the following has been assumed in the above statement?
1) Heavy down pour always paralyses the normal life.
2) Only seasonal downpour is beneficial to the people with all respect.
3) Very few people were in the great need of rain.
4) State was suffering from water crisis.
5) Only 2 and 4