IBM Company Numerical Ability Time Distance and Speed

1) A person starts at 2.05PM with 40km/hr and reaches to 8.35 pm. then how much distance he travelled?

2) Company invests $0.33 raw,$4.92 manufacturing, #3.34 adv. if the comapany decided to sell the product $8.61. What is the net profit to get 50000 profit.

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IBM Other Question

P software has coding line 5% more than N, N software has coding line 4/13 more than M. M software has 78 lines of coding. find P lines. 340, 680,1428,3141.6,--


3/2,2 1/4,9/4,12 1/4,49/4,4/3,1 7/9,16/9,8/3,--

15 3/4,16,26,9 1/5,9,19,64 2/3,65,75,30 3/8,--
