Cognizant Company General Ability General Knowledge

rem sell 25 % more than shyam and dearer to rahul

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Cognizant Other Question

A chemical mixture requires 2 chemicals, A and B in the proporion 3:2, this mixture is to be prepared in a tank of capacity 50 litres. Pipe A can pile the tank with chemical A in 50 minutes and pipe B can fill the tank with chemical B in 30 minutes. if both the pipes are opened when the tank is empty, how much time will it take for both the pipes to fill d tank with the proportional mixture?
A) (10,10)
B) (9,9)
C) (12,12)
D) (9,12)
E) (12,9)
(a) Break down (b) Give in
(c) Cease (d) Conquer