Assessment Exam Numerical Ability Averages

In a class test , the average mark of Leena and Meena is 80. The average of Meena and Reena is 85 years and the average of Leena and Reena is 90. Find Meena's mark.

A. 95 B. 85 C. 82.5 D. 75

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Assessment Other Question

The incomes of X, Y and Z are in the ratio 5:7:9 and their expenditures are in the ratio 6:7:12. If X saves 30% of his income, then what is the ratio of their savings?
(a) 24:18:35
(b) 18:35:24
(c) 24:35:18
(d) 18:24:35
Find the average of first fifty whole numbers