Numerical Ability
Time Distance and Speed
The North-South Express is a pair of trains between Jammu and Chennai. A train leaves Jammu for Chennai exactly at 12 noon everyday of the week. Similarly, there's a train that leaves Chennai bound for Jammu on everyday of the week exactly at 12 noon. The time required by a train to cover the distance between Chennai and Jammu is exactly 7 days and 1 minute. Find the number of trains from Chennai to Jammu which a train from Jammu to Chennai would cross in completing its journey, assuming all the trains are on time.
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- Let a train from Chennai to Jammu starts on Day 1 and it reaches jammu on day 8 at 12:01 Hrs
The train which starts from Jammu on Day 8 at 12:00 will cross this Day 1 train (from Chennai) at approx. 12:00:30 Hrs and this train will reach Chennai on day 15 at 12:01 Hrs so it will cross the train which started from Chennai at 12:00 Hrs on day 15 (in between 12:00 Hrs and 12:01 Hrs).
So it will cross a total of 15 trains. - 7 years agoHelpfull: Yes(17) No(7)
- 14 trains
7 trains are in journey when it starts
after it started its journey it will take 7 days to reach chennai in which 7 trains will departure from chennai
total 14 - 7 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(2)
- Find the number of trains from Chennai to Jammu which a train from Jammu to Chennai would cross in completing its journey, assuming all the trains are on time.
the counting should start from day 8 isnt it the question asked is from jammu to chennai
answer should be 8 according to me
kindly anyone elaborately explain logically - 7 years agoHelpfull: Yes(3) No(1)
- 8 trains(ans)
its asking about a single train(from jammu to chennai) crossing every train(from chennai to jammu).
as the train starts from jammu it will cross the train reaching jammu at near about 12:00:30hrs.
in between it will meet all the trains from monday to saturday. and before reaching chennai on sunday it will finally meet the train at 12:00:30 which just left the station for jammu. - 6 years agoHelpfull: Yes(1) No(0)
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