Infosys Company Numerical Ability Arithmetic

A and B came back home after their exam and their father asked them about the test.
A replied-- 1/3rd of my answers were wrong
B replied-- 5 of my answers were wrong but together we got 3/4 of answers right.
How many questions were there for the exam?

Read Solution (Total 13)

Infosys Other Question

how many divisor including 1 but excluding 1000 are there for the number 1000? The right angled triangle PQR is to be constructed in the xy-plane, so that the right angle is at P and PR is parallel to the x-axis. The x and y coordinates of P,Q and R are to be integers that satisfy the inequality −4≤x≤5 & 6≤y≤16. How many different triangles with these properties could be constructed?
A. 1,100 B. 12,100 C. 10,000 D. 9,900