CAT Exam Logical Reasoning Seating Arrangement

Four working ladies A, B, C and Dare sitting around a table. (i)A sits opposite too the cook. (ii)B sits at the right side of the beautician. (iii)Teacher is on the left side of an accountant. (iv)D is opposite to C. (v)C is to the right of the accountant.

what are occupation of A and B?

a)Accountant and beautician
b)Accountant and cook
c)Accountant and teacher
d)teacher and cook

Read Solution (Total 2)

CAT Other Question

7. What is the value of (2a+2b)/(2a-b), given that b ≠ 0 and
(〖 a〗^2-ab+2b^2)/(a^2+ab+4b^2 )=1/3?

A. 4 B. 4/3 C. ¾ D. 3
There are 2 questions based on the same data. Answer the questions based on
the given information:
A marketing company requires a qualified engineer with a management degree. The
candidate must:
1) be a graduate with atleast 55% marks
2) hold on an MBA degree with a minimum of 50% marks.
3) have secured atleast 55% marks in Sr. Secondary Examinatiom This condition will be
relaxed up to 5% if the candidate has two years experience of working with a reputed
4) should have atleast one years experience as an engineer
5) if he/she fulfills all other conditions except (4) but has an additional diploma in
computers or LT his/her case is to be referred to the General Manager.
6) if he/she fulfills all other conditions but has marketing degree instead of the condition
given at (3) his/her case is to be referred to the Managing Director.
7) not be of age greater than 30 years.
Can the given candidate be selected?

1) Amir aged 26 has done B.Tech. in l. T in first class. He has done
MBA from IGNOU in first class. He is currently working with Beta
Industries as Technical Officer where he has held this post tor the
last three years. He scored 56% in the Sr. Secondary Examination.

a)The candidate is to be selected

b) The candidate is not to be selected

C) Insufficient Data

d)The candidate is to be referred to the General Manager

e)The candidate is to be referred to the Managing Director

2) Hari Rai is a 27 years old B. Tech. graduate from l.P.University. He
has also done MBA from 11M Indore. He secured 65% marks in his
Sr. Secondary Examination. He has been working with a reputed
Engineering Company, Chennai tor the last 3 years.

a)The candidate is to be selected

b)The candidate is not to be selected

C) Insufficient Data

d)The candidate is to be referred to the General Manager

e)The candidate is to be referred to the Managing Director