Elitmus Exam Numerical Ability Ratio and Proportion

What are the values of 3 integers a, b and c ? Statement 1: ab=8
statement 2:bc=9

Read Solution (Total 6)

Elitmus Other Question

There are people at the party including Abhishek and Aishwarya. If Abhishek shook hands with m woman as many times as men and aishwarya shook hands with n men as many times as woman.
Find how many people were there at the party. If n = 4 and m = 3.
if a base 1=139/3, a base 2= -19 and a base k= a base k-1 - a base k-2, then what will be the 62th term in the series? (k, k-1, k-2 are in base)
