TCS Company Numerical Ability Alligation or Mixture

Q30. An aircraft takes off from A (89o N Lat, 40o E Long) at 2.00 AM local time to B (32o N Lat, 40o W Long). If the flying time is 11 hours what is the local time of landing at B?
(a) 6.40 AM (b) 4.00 AM (c) 7.40 AM (d) 7.00AM (e) 8.00AM

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TCS Other Question

The productivity of a team of engineers is given by the function
P(N) = 4000 √N, where N is the total strength. Find the percentage change in productivity if the strength of the team is increased by 1%.
(a) 0.75% (b) 0.5% (c) 0.25% (d) 1% (e) 2%
The log values of two numbers to the base 10 are given as below:
X log10X
3.141 cc
3.142 0.4972061807
Find log103.143.
(a) 0. 49734 (b) 0.59720 (c) 0.49110 (d) 0.49420 (e) 0.49440