Hcl Interview Numerical Ability Number System

A person went to shop and asked for change for 1.15 p. Shopkeeper said he could provide change for 1 rupee and also for 50p, 25p, 10p and 5p. What were the coins he had?

Ans: a.50 p : 1 coin
b.25 p : 2 coins
c.10 p: 1 coin
d.5 p : 1 coin

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Hcl Other Question

Two numbers when divided by a certain divisor leave remainders of 431 and 379 respectively. When the sum of these two numbers is divided by the same divisor, the remainder is 211. What is the divisor? If the diagonal of a rectangle is 17 cm long and its perimeter is 46 cm, what is the area?

A)130 cm sq.
B)120 cm sq.
C)125 cm sq.
D)140 cm sq.