MBA Exam Logical Reasoning Coding Decoding

Let us consider a fraction whose denominator is smaller than the square of the numerator by unity. If we add 2 to the numerator and the denominator, the fraction will exceed 1/3. If we subtract 3 from the numerator and the denominator, the fraction will be positive but smaller than 1/10. Find the value?

1) 3/8
2) 4/15
3) 5/24
4) 6/35
5) None of these

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MBA Other Question

A naughty bird is sitting on top of a car. It sees another car approaching it at a distance of 12 km. the speed of car is 60 kmph each. The bird starts flying from the 1st car & moves towards the 2nd car, reaches 2nd car & comes back to 1st car & so on. If the speed at which the bird flies is 120 kmph then what is the total distance travelled by bird before it reaches the 2nd car for 2nd time.

1) 10.55
2) 11.55
3) 12.33
4) none of these
Ramu and Somu start running simultaneously from two ends of a track in opposite directions and with speeds in the ratio of 2 : 3 respectively. Every time they meet, they interchange their speeds and also reverse their directions. At how many distinct points on the track do they meet each other, if they run continuously between the two ends of the tracks?

1) 3
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6