Accenture Company Numerical Ability Percentage

A is x% more than B and is x% of sum of A and B. What is the value of x?
A)37% B)62% C)50% D)75%

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Accenture Other Question

If log₁₂27 = a, log₉16 = b, find log₈108.
A)2(a+3)/3b B)2(b+3)/3b C)2(b+3)/3a D)2(a+3)/3a
In a large school auditorium, the students are made to sit to watch the programmes. If the teachers make a row of students of 16 each, there will be 12 students left. If they make rows of 24 each, then there will be 20 students left, if they make rows of 25 each, there will be 21 students left and if they make rows of 30 each, there will be 26 students left. What is the minimum number of students present in the school?
A)1196 B)1216 C)1784 D)2396