TCS Company Verbal Ability One Word Substitution

Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
After the marathon, some of the competitors felt completely _______
A)run out B)cut up C)done out D)done in

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TCS Other Question

Rakesh and Saket run a race of 2 km. First Rakesh gives Saket a start of 200 meters and beats him by 1 minute. If Rakesh gives Saket a start of 6 minutes Rakesh is beaten by 1 km. Find the time in minutes in which Rakesh and Saket can run the races separately.
A)11, 18 B)12, 18 C)8, 10 D)10, 12
Which of the following statements are correct about 6 used in the program?
int num[6];

A)In the first statement 6 specifies a particular element , whereas in the second statement it specifies a array size. B)In both the statements 6 specifies array size C)In the first statement 6 specifies a array size, whereas in the second statement it specifies a particular element of array. D)In the first statement 6 specifies a particular element, whereas in the second statement it specifies a type.