TCS Company Programming Output

Find the minimum number of arithmetic operations required to evaluate below expression

f(P) = 8P^3 + 3P +12

Note - for a given value of P using only one temporary variable.

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TCS Other Question

Find Prefix and Postfix for the below Infix problem statement:

Infix Expression: 11 + 20/5* (20 - 15)^6^5

A. Prefix Expression: 11 20 15 20 5 - ^^*6 5/+
Postfix Expression: +20 / 11 * 5 - 20 ^^15 6 5
B. Prefix Expression: 11 20 5 20 15 - 6 5^^*/+
Postfix Expression: +11 / 20 * 5^^ - 20 15 6 5
C. Prefix Expression: 11 20 5 20 15 - ^^*/+6 5
Postfix Expression: +11 /^^-20 * 5 20 15 6 5
D. Prefix Expression: +11/20 * 5^^ - 20 15 6 5
Postfix Expression: 11 20 5 20 15 - 6 5^^*/+
George can do some work in 8 hours. Paul can do some work in 10 hours while Hari can do the same
work in 12 hours. All three of them start working at 9.00 am. While George stops work at 11.00 am
and the remaining two complete the work. Approximately at what time the work be finished?
(a) 11.30 am (b) 12.30 pm
(c) 1 pm (d) 12 noon