MBA Exam

The number of circles that can be drawn through 12 points in a plane, 10 of which are collinear is:

1) 100
2) 120
3) 220
4) 140
5) none of these

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MBA Other Question

What is the sum of all those factors of 1800 whose unit digit is 5?
plzz provide solution also...

1) 5850
2) 360
3) 403
4) 390
person A and B come to a station haseenapur for a metro between 7:00 Am to 7:20 am.they are willing to wait for one another for 5 min. after which they would take train together or alone.what's the probability that they will meet at station??

1) 7/14
2) 7/16
3) 7/18
4) insufficient data