MBA Exam

person A and B come to a station haseenapur for a metro between 7:00 Am to 7:20 am.they are willing to wait for one another for 5 min. after which they would take train together or alone.what's the probability that they will meet at station??

1) 7/14
2) 7/16
3) 7/18
4) insufficient data

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MBA Other Question

The number of circles that can be drawn through 12 points in a plane, 10 of which are collinear is:

1) 100
2) 120
3) 220
4) 140
5) none of these
If the roots of the equation x^10-1=0 are 1,a,b,c.......Then what is the value of (1-a)(1-b)(1-c)....??

1) 10
2) 20
3) 0
4) 1