MBA Exam

If x satisfies the equation |x + l| +3|x - 2| + 5 | x - 4| = 20, find the sum of all the values of x.

1) 2
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6

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MBA Other Question

A function f is defined for whole number n by following relation.f(n + 2) + f(n) – 2 f(n + 1) = 0If f(1 = 5 f(36) = 9Find f(18 + 36)?

1) 13
2) 14
3) 10
4) 15
(1)+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+...+(1+2+3+.....+101) ?

1) 176851
2) 176854
3) 176853
4) 176850