MBA Exam

(1)+(1+2)+(1+2+3)+...+(1+2+3+.....+101) ?

1) 176851
2) 176854
3) 176853
4) 176850

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MBA Other Question

If x satisfies the equation |x + l| +3|x - 2| + 5 | x - 4| = 20, find the sum of all the values of x.

1) 2
2) 4
3) 5
4) 6
A and B are two points on a co-ordinate plane. All the points, in the same plane as A and B, whose distance from B is twice that from A lie on

1) a straight line intersecting AB at a point O such that 2AO = BO.
2) a circle with center at a point O on AB such that AO = 2BO.
3) a circle with center at a point O on AB extended such that 4AO = BO.
4) None of these.