MBA Exam

The decimal number 2138 corresponds to 4132 in the number system to the base n.What is the decimal euivalent of (235)base n..?

1) 95
2) 157
3) 163
4) 194

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MBA Other Question

ramu manufactures ceremic cups.on any day ramu manufactures as much cups as the price per cup.everyday ramu sells all of his cups at a profit of rupees 10 per cup.if at the end of the day he makes a profit of 5%,then how much profit did he make by the end of everyday?pl. provide sol. also

1) 1000
2) 3000
3) 1500
4) 2000
the set S contains two digit natural no. N such that (N^3+5N^2+6N) is divisible by 8. how many elements does S contains??

1) 44
2) 50
3) 56
4) not