MBA Exam

which coaching class is better for cat in ahmedabad?time or endeavor??

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MBA Other Question

if (pqr)^2 = (ijkpqr) where i,j,k,p,q,r = whole no. and pqr and ijkpqr are three and six digit no. then i*j*k*p*q*r isguys plz explain??

1) 0
2) 720
3) cant say
4) not
2 ants start simultaneously from two ant holes towards each other. 1st ant covers 8% of the distance between two ant holes in 3 hrs. 2nd ant covers 7/120 of the dist. in 2.5 hrs. find the speed ( feet/hr ) of 2nd ant if 1st ant travelled 800 feet to the meeting point.

1) 25
2) 36
3) 42
4) 35
5) 45