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what is the value of abc..??
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- =>a^bb^c=a^2bc
here abc=a*2*1
abc depends on value of a.. - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(7) No(0)
- Here,if b=1,a=0 and for any value of c we get:
a^bb^c=0^1^(some no.)=0=RHS
value of abc=0; - 12 years agoHelpfull: Yes(2) No(0)
- =>a^b * b^a=a*b*c*a
=>(a^b)/a * b^a-a*b*c
=>a^b-1 * b^a=a*b*c - 11 years agoHelpfull: Yes(0) No(1)
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