CAT Exam

If TRUCK is coded as 2S9Q3T3B2J, then what will be the code word for BUS?

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CAT Other Question

New fax machines are to be purchased for the Ministry of Science and Technology. The type 1 fax machine costs Rs. m each and the type 2 fax machine Rs. n each. The type 1 needs "r" m2 of table space and the type 2 "s" m2. Total table space available is "t" m2. At least b of each type must be bought and the total budget must not exceed Rs. A. Which one of these options models the situation mathematically if x is the number of type 1 fax machine and y the number of type 2 fax machine?
A. x = b, y =b xr + sy = t subject to mx + ny = A
B. x >b, y >b xr + sy < t subject to mx + ny = A
C. x = b, y =b xs + ry = t
subject to my + nx = A
D. x > b, y > b (x+y)(r+s)= t subject to (m+n)(r+s) = A
Follow the given instructions for the next 5 questions:
Below is given a question followed by two statements numbered I and II. The question may or
may not be answered with the help of these statements. You have to decide if these statements
are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer
a) if only 1 of the statements is sufficient to answer the question but other statement is not
b) if both statements I and II are together sufficient to answer the question although neither
statement suffices by itself
c) if statement I and statement II are sufficient to answer the question independently and
d) if the two statements are not sufficient and more data is needed to answer the question.

Q 32.What is the age of A?
Statements: I. The age of B is 24 years
II. A is older than B

Q 33.What is the age of B?
Statements: I. The age of A is 18 years
II. B is 5 years younger than A

Q 34.Shyam is the brother of Mohan?
Statements: I. Mohan is the son of Ram
II. Shyam is the son of Ram

Q 35.Is X the brother of Y?
Statements: I. X is the son of Z
II. Y is the daughter of Z

Q 36.Is X the brother of Y?
Statements: I. Z is the father of X
II. Z is the father of Y