CAT Exam

Follow the given instructions for the next 5 questions:
Below is given a question followed by two statements numbered I and II. The question may or
may not be answered with the help of these statements. You have to decide if these statements
are sufficient to answer the question. Give answer
a) if only 1 of the statements is sufficient to answer the question but other statement is not
b) if both statements I and II are together sufficient to answer the question although neither
statement suffices by itself
c) if statement I and statement II are sufficient to answer the question independently and
d) if the two statements are not sufficient and more data is needed to answer the question.

Q 32.What is the age of A?
Statements: I. The age of B is 24 years
II. A is older than B

Q 33.What is the age of B?
Statements: I. The age of A is 18 years
II. B is 5 years younger than A

Q 34.Shyam is the brother of Mohan?
Statements: I. Mohan is the son of Ram
II. Shyam is the son of Ram

Q 35.Is X the brother of Y?
Statements: I. X is the son of Z
II. Y is the daughter of Z

Q 36.Is X the brother of Y?
Statements: I. Z is the father of X
II. Z is the father of Y

Read Solution (Total 3)

CAT Other Question

If TRUCK is coded as 2S9Q3T3B2J, then what will be the code word for BUS? Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:
Global history has taken a boost from the current conflicts, protests and riots against corporate
globalization, and the threat of worldwide terrorism against the West. These events fit into a
global pattern of the rise and fall of societies that can be traced back to ancient times. True of all
the ancient empires we know, the cycle of rise and decline appears to be accelerating. The
twentieth century saw the collapse of seven great empires – Mandarin China, Germany, Austria-
Hungary, Ottoman Turkey, Japan, the British empire, and twice over in the case of Tsarist and
Soviet Russia. Since the events of September 11th, 2001, the twenty-first century seems likely to
threaten the sole remaining superpower, the United States, with nemesis. The key to the
formation, survival and decline of all historical societies is their use of surplus income and
resources. Without the extraction, by an elite, of products surplus to immediate requirements – in
the form of food, arms, luxuries and other goods and services produced by farmers, craftsmen,
traders and servants – no society, beyond the most primitive, would be able to afford the
protection, law and order, administration, defense, spiritual advice, personal services, cultural
production and so on essential to its existence. This is so obvious that it scarcely needs
expressing, yet we know little about the way it arose out of the chaos of pre-civilized experience.
The rise is shaded in pre-history, since the formation of a society cannot be known until it has
acquired the tools – written language or a reliable oral tradition – to express it.
Q 1.As per the passage what is most important for the Historical societies’ survival?
OptionA Optimal use of Income and Resources
Constructive use of Excess income and resources
C Global Rise and fall
Free from terrorism and conflicts
Q 2.What is common for all the societies discussed in the passage?
B Surplus of Income and Resources
C Rise and fall cycle
Q 3.What is true as per the passage?
Rise and fall is imminent for all the societies.
B Language and Writing knowledge are tools because of which we know about precivilized
C Surplus income was not used properly in the previous societies but not in ours.
United States is on the brink of extinction like other societies after events of 11th